Shared Care Protocols for ADHD Accurx Triage Beware Scam Alert Outsmart your anxiety – Daylight Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Information Support for people who may have been affected by infected blood Travel Vaccinations – Cholera Vaccine Supply Issues MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) Vaccination Campaign Return your used inhalers to a pharmacy to help reduce your carbon footprint Social Prescribers & First Contact Physiotherapists
Our prime responsibility is for the health of our patients within NHS terms. Certain other services are offered where a fee may be chargeable. These are for both Carterknowle and Dore surgeries, and include:
The partners at Carterknowle & Dore Medical Practice are not in a position to sign Westfield forms sanctioning chiropractor treatment, as this is not a form of management that we routinely recommend. Whilst we recognise that some patients feel they benefit from chiropractor treatment, we are not assured of its effectiveness or that it is free from risk of injury or inappropriate exposure to X-rays.
We therefore leave it to the discretion of Westfield as to whether they fund the course of chiropractic treatment the patient has undertaken at their own discretion.
Details of the fees charged for these items can be obtained at reception.