Shared Care Protocols for ADHD Accurx Triage – Trial Extended Beware Scam Alert Outsmart your anxiety – Daylight Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Information Support for people who may have been affected by infected blood Travel Vaccinations – Cholera Vaccine Supply Issues MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) Vaccination Campaign Return your used inhalers to a pharmacy to help reduce your carbon footprint Social Prescribers & First Contact Physiotherapists
If you had a blood transfusion or blood products before 1996, there’s a chance you may have been given infected blood. This could mean you were infected with hepatitis B, hepatitis C or HIV.
Today, all blood donated in the UK is screened using very rigorous safety standards and testing to protect both donors and patients.
Since screening was introduced, the risk of getting an infection from a blood transfusion or blood products is very low.
For more information about this, please click the link below –
Support for people who may have been affected by infected blood – NHS (