Outsmart your anxiety – Daylight Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Information Support for people who may have been affected by infected blood Travel Vaccinations – Cholera Vaccine Supply Issues MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) Vaccination Campaign Return your used inhalers to a pharmacy to help reduce your carbon footprint Social Prescribers & First Contact Physiotherapists Sheffield is full of welcoming, warm places Working Win South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening Service
If you or a family member have a disability please let us know. We are able to make reasonable adjustments to enable you to have the same level of access as other patients. This could involve longer appointments, appointments at specific times, alternative methods of booking appointments, home visits, large print documents etc.
We support the NHS Accessible Information Standard, and endeavour to identify, share and meet any of our patients’ special communication requirements. Please let us know if you have any such preferences. The website http://www.easyhealth.org.uk has a variety of useful leaflets in accessible formats.
If you are a carer please let us know and we can add you to our carers’ register.